Journey in Literature

"We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls" -Anais Nin

Monday, March 10, 2014

Something more than just a love story.

Sometimes, when we are in another place vacationing, we feel like we are in a dream place, like something special can happen in that country. In the movie "A Room with a view" presents a love story between Lucy Honeychurch, a woman who comes from a wealthy family, and George Emerson, a lower class person who really loves Lucy. The novel not only just showed us what true love it is really aboout, it is a movie that shows us more than a love story.

It all starts when Lucy and her older cousin Charlotte Bartlett travel to Florence, Italy as tourists. Lucy and her cousin complains because they did not have a room with a view, because they were staying in rooms with no view. Later, traveler Mr. Emerson and his son George offer their rooms with views for Lucy and Charlotte. We can see the Kindness from the travelers. Like Me. Emerson said: "I don't care what I see outside. My vision is within! Here is where the birds sing! Here is where the Sky is blue."

The resident's kindness can vary, depending on which country you come from, and which social class are you related. From the beginning, the residents (Italians) tried to be kind with the tourists, and they showed to the tourists that the want everyone to know about their history, but the tourists were not fully interested. Some tourists just do not appreciate the things that makes the place unique. Like Eleanor Lavish said to Charlotte: "Every city has its own smell." We can compare this movie with Jamaica Kinkaid's novel "A small place". We can see in both stories how tourists did not care about the residents and the island history, they just cared about the beauty of the country/island. It is a very ignorant thought coming from the tourists.

In contrast, the Emersons were really travelers, because they were very interested in Italian Culture, they respected the residents.

Also, on this movie we can see the difference between social classes. This is how identity is established in every person of the movie. By the standards of Lucy's social circle, George is clearly an unacceptable match for Lucy, even that he is clearly the perfect match in all other ways. He really values Lucy for herself, and he wants her independent and free, but lucy gets engaged with Cecl, an upper social class mas who is very dislikeable and disrespected everyone that, according to him, was lower than him. He sets a dominant and arrogant posture. He even said: " I have no profession. My Attitude is that as long as I am no trouble to anyone, I have the right to do as I like." 

Even that he is a wealthy man, Lucy stays with George, proving that real love does not have a social class. The movie it is very entertaining and original. I recommend it.


  1. I like the fact that you noticed that the identity of each character in the movie is based on the social class. But do you think that the social class has to do with their attitude and behavior as a tourist and/or traveler?

  2. I hadn't seen the social class as a cause for the traveler or tourist view, but maybe it does come into play. Interesting post on the movie!

  3. I think that you did a great job explaining the difference between a tourist and a traveler, using the examples of the characters in the movie.

  4. Good post, it explains the movie from the class perspective extremely good.

  5. I liked the examples you used. Also I liked the point you made about the social classes.
