Last wednesday, College of General Studies of the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus presented an English Conference titled: "Students Interventions in General Studies: Interdisiplinary projects and creative initiatives". The activity consisted of several group of students from different english courses presenting their research writing.
One of the panels presented that day was one named: "Immigration and Puerto Rico today". Two girls presented thir research about the topic, but they also shared their personal experience about being an immigrant, and how difficult it is to be accepted and respected in a country which Xenophobia is a very serious issue.
Even that they are from an intensive english course, and they are not so fluent with english, it was the best panel of the Activity that day. They presented how Xenophobia is present in Puerto Rico, as Well in Dominican Republic. Even that the issue affect them, they were in favor of immigration. Also, they also offered real solutions to the social issue.
This kind of problems are happening constantly, and it is unfair to judge people according to they nationality. Personally, I loved what they did. It vas a brave action from them to challenge their limits and talked about their personal experiences in front of an audience.
I also attended this panel and as soon as I left I ask myself: "What would be my version of the possible solutions to the problem? - Is not a simple question and I still have no answer. What would you do? ..
ReplyDeleteThe panel, was able to present some nice ideas like creating new courses about immigration topics. I agree with you that is unfair to judge people according to their nationality.
I found this panel very interesting because it tool a lout of courage for the two girls to speak about their immigrant situation. I enjoyed this panes as well as you did.
ReplyDeleteThis was my favorite panel because the content had a lot of meaning for the students presenting it. Is very sad that the two students had suffered racism here in Puerto Rico.
ReplyDeleteThis panel it was definitely one of the best. It was so educational to us of how the Dominicans feel when they arrive here and also the feel of being a Puerto Rican as well.
ReplyDeleteI also agree that this panel was one of the best. I think some very important points were made. I think your reflection on the xenophobia is spot on.