Journey in Literature

"We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls" -Anais Nin

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Who am I?

Hello! First of all, My name is Giovanni Rivera, I am a ninteen year old sophomore student, coming from Colegio Nuestra Señora del Pilar in Canóvanas, Puerto Rico. My major is Biology and my main goal is to finish my undergraduate studies, and become a Doctor. I love sports, especially martial arts, and Basketball. My family is very important for me, as well as my friends. 
Someday I would like to travel around the world, especially Europe. However, I had the oportunity to travel around the caribbean and United States. I have been to many places like:

1. Aruba
2. Curacao
3. Cozumel
4. Orlando, Florida
5. Atlanta, Geogia
6. Brooklyn, New York
7. New Jersey
8. Culebra, Puerto Rico
9. Vieques, Puerto Rico
10. Rincón, Puerto Rico

Of all the places I have visited, New York is my favorite place. I had a great time there: Walking into the streets of New York City, celebrating New Year's Eve in Times Square.  I really enjoyed New York, hope to go there again pretty soon.


  1. Hey Giovanni, well I did not know that you were in biology also, so I hope to see you in "naturales"more often.
    I found your blog simple and right to the point, which I enyoy.
    Besides New York, what's your other favorite place you have been so far?

  2. While reading this blog I felt like I can relate to it, since im looking forward to visit Europe, France to be more specific and since New York its been my favorite place too. I really liked it so, I'm looking forward to read more about you.

  3. Great post, Giovanni! I really enjoyed it since it is a similar story to mine. I also want to visit many parts of the world. How lucky of you that you got to visit New York. I hope I get the opportunity to do so as well.

  4. Hi, like Sylvette said, I also didn't know we were from the same faculty up to the other day. Regardless, it's cool that you've been to NYC and that you enjoyed it. I look forward to reading other posts from you as well as the other people from our group!

  5. Like you I also love New York. I went in the summer of 2012 and it feel like I was in a movie. All the important places and buildings that we had being seen in movies since childgood were there. An excellente experience.
