Journey in Literature

"We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls" -Anais Nin

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Panel Titled: "Mini Sagas: My creative Process"

Last tuesday, the College of General Studies of the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus presented an English Conference titled: "Students Interventions in General Studies: Interdisiplinary projects and creative initiatives". The activity consisted of several group of students from different english courses presenting their research writing.

One of the panels presented last tuesday was titled: "Mini sagas: My creative process", by a group of students fromthe professor Mildred Lockwood. 

The Minisaga was like a poem, and it had to be exactly 50 words. It is not an easy project, but the students presented their respective mini sagas with enthusiasm and charisma. Some of them talked about appearances, love, and Identity. It was a very creative writing, well elaborated. 

Personally, I like each of the minisagas presented, I am looking foward to read more Mini Sagas in a future.


  1. I also had the opportunity to attend to this same panel. I like it because it was funny, creative and different. Also it is difficult to express a whole idea in just 50 words. It would be cool to make like a "mini saga comics" to read in the future.

  2. I wasn't able to attend this panel, but because of what you wrote, it seemes like a very creative one. I didn't know what a mini saga was, but now I look forward to seeing one.

  3. I could not go to that panel because I had class at that time, but now I'm very interested into see a mini saga.

  4. I was there and I really liked the way that the students presented their mini sagas. Also I found interesting how they could write something so emotional in just 50 words.

  5. I wasn't able to attend this panel but from what I read here it sounds like some great ideas were presented.
